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Welcome to CHS Counseling

Our website is packed with everything you need to know about your next four years at CHS. Please use the links on the left of the page to navigate through our site. 

Dept. Hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, M-F (last appt time is 2:30 pm)

Appointment Guidelines: Appts are for currently enrolled CHS students only. All appts require a 24-hr advance notice. Due to existing appts, we do not accept walk-ins or same-day appts.

**If you'd like to make a donation to the Counseling Dept, please take a look at our

Amazon Wish List. Thank you!**

Click below to view our "2029 Incoming Freshman Presentation"!

9th Grade Presentation


Counselor Directory

Counseling Calendar

Counseling Directory